My recent Rock paintings stem from earlier explorations of mineral forms, but are searching for greater simplicity, a clearer celebration of the paint and the roughness of the paper, and a lighter touch. The theme and the more relaxed approach both arrived during lockdown in 2020, as a counterpoint to the bleakness of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the most representational work I have made in more than fifteen years; there’s no escaping the sense that the forms look like stones and twigs, but they’re simply paint and paper. They reflect my love of Golden Age and 20th century children’s illustration and the joy I find in colour.

Rock Sketch 1 (Duck Egg) Rock Sketch 3 (Pink) Rock Sketch 4 (Green & Red in Darkness) Rock Sketch 5 (Fantastic) Rock Sketch 10 (Rocks in Books) Small pieces of WHY 6×6 charity sale